The Mission was organized in 2008 under the agreement between the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of the Near and Far East (ISMEO, Italy). The Mission are working at the archaeological site of Abu Erteila since January 2009. The concession is highlighted by the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums of Sudan (NCAM).
Expedition co-directors:
Eleonora Kormysheva (Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, Russia)
Eugenio Fantusati (ISMEO, Italy)
Russian Archeological Mission at Giza (RAMG) was organized in 1996 by Dr. Eleonora Kormysheva with the assistance of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (currently – Ministry of Antiquities, Egypt). The area of research includes the eastern edge of the Eastern Necropolis of Giza, on which the rock-cut tombs of an Egyptian nobility, the Minor cemeteries of a middle class of the Egyptian society of the Old Kingdom (Third millennium B.C.), as well as burials of the Late Period and Ptolemaic time are located.
Director of the Mission Eleonora Kormysheva, D.Sc. (IOS RAS)
The underwater-archaeological mission of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been conducting research in the waters of the city of Sevastopol off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula since 1999.
The expedition leader is an employee of the Institute, PhD. V.V. Lebedinsky.
The mission has been working since 1983. Organizer: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The work of the Russian Integrated Mission in the Republic of Yemen is carried out on the basis of the General Agreement signed on November 12, 2007 in Sana’a between the General Organization of Antiquities and Museums (G.O.A.M.) and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOS RAS).
The scientific program of the expedition is to conduct archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic research on the island of Socotra.
Head: Doctor of History Sedov A.V.
The head of the Socotrian detachment: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Naumkin (IOS RAS)
The purpose of the expedition was to study the evolution of the traditional Dogon culture in the context of globalization and rapid Islamization of the region in the late XX-early XXI centuries, the study of the language situation, as well as hypothetical connections with the ancient civilizations of the Middle East.
Director of the Mission Petr Kutsenkov, Dr. of Culture Studies (IOS RAS)
Epigraphic mission of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Southern Siberia (in Tuva, Khakassia, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Kazakhstan) during the 2011 field season.
RF, South Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and Tuva
Head: Head of the Department of Oriental History, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, prof. D.D. Vasiliev