Анонсы ИВ РАН

10 ноября 2021 года

42nd Annual Scientific Inter-Institutional Conference "South Pacific in the Past and Present: History, Economics, Politics, Culture"

We invite our colleagues to take part in the next annual inter-institutional conference dedicated to the South Pacific region, which will be held on November 10, 2021.

The conference covers a wide range of issues related to the historical, current and future development of the South-Pacific countries, their interaction within the region and with closest neighbors, and their role on the international arena. The problems and features of economic, social, cultural, technological, scientific, educational development, demographic and ethnic situation, modern threats and prospects for solving existing problems are considered. The object of study can be both European peoples inhabiting the South-Pacific countries and purely indigenous peoples.

Applications and abstracts are accepted until October 31, 2021 inclusive, and must contain the following information: full name of the speaker, degree, position, place of study / work, contact information (e-mail address, tel.), title of the report. The application form is the same for all participants.

The abstracts are published on the website of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in electronic form, and must comply with the following design requirements:

  • Font Times New Roman, 14 point
  • Alignment of the main text in width, titles - in the center
  • Automatic indentation of paragraphs - 1.25 cm.
  • 1.5 space between lines
  • In the presence of citations or statistics, it is necessary to provide links to the source in the form of page footnotes. Footnotes are drawn up in accordance with standard rules. According to the new rules, when the Internet resource is mentioned, the date of the last visit is not set.
  • The volume of abstracts should be 4000-8000 characters (approximately 2-4 pages of Microsoft Word). Abstracts significantly exceeding this volume will be sent back to speakers for reduction.

Please note that abstracts are not indexed anywhere.

The format of the conference is intramural / extramural / remote. Due to the difficult epidemiological situation in the country, we are considering the option of holding a conference in a remote format on the Zoom platform.

For all questions, please contact Daria Sergeevna Panarina (daria2002panarina@gmail.com) or Ekaterina Mikhailovna Astafieva (katy-ast@yandex.ru).  

We are waiting for you at our conference!

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